Our Last Trading day is Thursday 25th April.
Our Big "EVERYTHING MUST GO" Sale will be on Saturday 27th April from 10am. All remaining furniture and equipment will be for sale at really low prices.
Prints onto Fired Pottery.
A lasting memory captured forever. Hand and foot prints are a timeless keepsake.
We have a wide range of pottery to choose from for your painted prints.
Choose font, colour and wording and our staff will add the details for just £4 for the first item, £2 for every item afterwards.
Baby Foot Print on PotteryBabies under 6 months like to scrunch their hands up, therefore we suggest having baby's foot prints done on pottery. For imprints, hands can easily be captured in clay at any age.
Extra large imprint
Imprints are a wonderful keepsake for any member of the family. Book a short session with Jo to have Baby's hand or foot imprinted into clay.
Medium imprint
Names, Dates and Messages can to added to make this a wonderful present!